Most Airsoft beginners have a tight budget and almost run out of money after buying there favorite Airsoft Replica. I was in the same situation. I was so desperate to be able to buy my favorite replica that I forgot that I also need some (safety) gear and of course BB’s!!
Don’t fall in the trap to buy any low grade BB’s! These BB’s can cause real damage to your Airsoft gun. Besides that you should not use cheap BB’s that are mostly not spherical and cause jam or get stuck in the barrel. They will also damage your gearbox components when their break or scatter inside. Instead of low grade BB’s I recommend high quality BB’s which support the durability of your Airsoft replica.
Also know that I prefer biodegradable BBs because these BB’s are better for the environment.
Elite Force Precision 0.2g 6mm
Elite force BB’s have a high performance. The 0.2g BB’s are actually the best weight for most (beginner) Airsoft players. They are perfectly spherical and polished and very consistent. You can use these BB’s if your Airsoft replica shoot 280-350 FPS. As those BB’s don’t have any imperfections like dimples and seems, they are a durable choice for your Airsoft replica. Follow this link for the lowest price at Airsoft Station today!

Elite Force 0.25g Biodegradable
I think I said enough about the quality of Elite. The difference here is the weight. These are typical mid-range BB’s and perfect for Airsoft replica’s that shoot 350 FPS or higher. With a slightly heavier BB, you can increase your accuracy and flight stability. Follow this link for the lowest price at Airsoft Station.
G&G Perfect Spherical BBs 0.30g 2000 rounds

These are some heavier BB’s and perfect for your bolt action sniper rifle. These are high quality BB’s especially for modified replica’s that shoot at an higher FPS. The combination of a heavier weight and a higher FPS result in a accuracy and fly beyond standards. Follow this link for the lowest price at Airsoft Station.
Valken Accelerate 0.25g BBs
As I used Elite Force in the past, in general Valken seems to do it quite well. These BB’s are professionally polished for smooth accuracy. They have a variety of weights in the range of 0.2g – 0.45g. These BBs are able to withstand the pressure when leaving the barrel. The carrying bottle comes with a resealable cap that easily flips open. And with the help from the feeding flip you can easily load your magazine. Follow this link to Airsoft Station for more details.
Learn more about which BBs to use in this article